
Annalisa Butticci (2010)

Annalisa Butticci received her MA in Political Science from the University of Padua (Italy) and her PhD in Sociology and Methodology for Social Science Research from the Catholic University of Milan (Italy). Her main areas of interest include migration, gender, and religion. She is currently working on a research project on West African Pentecostalisms and their Diasporas. She is conducting field work in Italy, Nigeria and Ghana. In her research she focuses on the multiple aspects and features of the African Pentecostal Diasporas reinterpreted and conditioned by the Mediterranean context. More recently, she has been exploring the ways in which art – particularly music and visual arts – have been utilized to express and represent the experience of migration and its social and spiritual worlds.
She was a Fellow at 
global prayers • redemption and liberation in the city from July 2010 until February 2011.