Workshop 2010 | Berlin
The second workshop of the project "Global Prayers -- Redemption and Liberation in the City" took place at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt in Berlin from July 11th to 17th. The workshop gathered, for the first time,... >>>
Thomas Burkhalter: Worldmusic — a post-colonial, multi-local Avantgarde?
Lecture >>>
Global Prayers - Redemption and Liberation in the Metropolis.
Project presentation and discussion in the Jazz Hole (Lagos) >>>
Liberation Experiences. Theology of Liberation in Buenos Aires and Mexico City.
Presentation and discussion at the Heinrich Boell Stiftung Berlin. >>>
globalPrayers.saloon #1
Presentation and discussion about the exhibition project Afropolis >>>
Theology of Liberation and New 'Spirits' in the City
Workshop, Exhibition and Discussion organized by the Heinrich Böll Foundation, Mexico. >>>
globalPrayers.saloon #2
Public discussion on the possibilities of artistic research >>>
Workshop 2011 | Beirut
Beirut was the meeting point for the fourth global prayers workshop in June 2011. A number of team members and fellows got together in this city that like scarcely another has been influenced by the concurrence of different... >>>
Signifying Space - Staging the Religious in the City
Public Presentation of Global Prayers - Hangar/Umam, Beirut >>>
Book Release: Urban Prayers. Neue religiöse Bewegungen in der globalen Stadt
New religious movements are currently changing everyday lifes as well as social and economic structures in metropolises all over the world. The volume Urban Prayers. Neue religiöse Bewegungen in der Stadt published by... >>>