Global Prayers

globalPrayers.saloon #2

The second globalPrayers.Saloon took place at the NGBK Berlin on May, 27. Four artistic fellows of Global Prayers as well as curator Helmut Draxler were invited to discuss the possibilities and methods of artistic research. 

As artistic fellows of the project Global Prayers, Sabine Bitter, Helmut Weber, Gilles Aubry, and Katja Eydel have worked at the intersection between art and science. Some of them have done research on the function of art in religious and urban contexts whereas others have implemented artistic and documentary methods to explore the local urban settings of Rio de Janeiro, Lagos, Beirut, Kinshasa, and Berlin. 

At globalPrayers.Saloon #2 the participants discussed their approaches, their methods and their experiences with artistic research. The central question was: what relevance can (and should) art have in the context of social scientific research?

May, 27 | NGBK | Oranienstr. 25, Berlin Kreuzberg