Global Prayers


The global prayers project’s central research questions are explored by way of several smaller- and larger-scale case studies that are conducted in selected cities, all of which are considered nodes, where local phenomena and global relationships intersect. Since the new religious movements are arising not just in but out of the cities - changing them as they expand and permeate social and spatial structures – questions around the production of urban space need to be the departure point of the project´s research. Beyond that, the cities in question are also linked via network connections - spatial passages along which people, ideas, and organizations travel. The individual case studies of global prayers • redemption and liberation in the city are thus conceived not as isolated inquiries but as stations along global trails, connected through wider-ranging questions and overarching terms. global prayers approaches these questions through five interrelated thematic clusters subsumed under the categories Zones, Stages, Networks, Communities, and Sounds.

Collage: K. Reichard
Collage: K. Reichard