Global Prayers

Kathrin Wildner

Dr. Kathrin Wildner is coordinator of arts and sciences within global prayers • redemption and liberation in the city. She is an urban anthropologist and did ethnographic fieldwork in New York City, Mexico City, La Habana, Istanbul and other urban agglomerations. After a postgraduate program at the Area de Estudios Urbanos, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana – Azcapotzalco, Mexico City she finished her PhD thesis El Zócalo - The Center of the Metropolis? Ethnography of a Public Space in Mexico City at the University of Hamburg, Germany (2001). As an urban researcher she teaches, publishes and participates in transdisciplinary projects and international exhibitions. Between 2002 and 2005 she worked at the Staatliche Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe (HfG), where she coordinated the research project Theory of public space. Since 2008 she is assistant professor at the Institute for Economic and Social Geography, Europe-University Viadrina, Frankfurt/Oder, Germany. She is a founding member of metroZones – Center for Urban Affairs e.V.

Recent publications: Frank Eckardt, Kathrin Wildner (Hg.) Public Istanbul – Spheres and Spaces of the Urban, Transcript Verlag Bielefeld, 2008. A la Mexicana. Mexiko Stadt: Labor für ethnologische Stadtforschung published in: Becker, Anne et al Verhandlungssache Mexiko Stadt. Umkämpfte Räume, Stadtaneignung, Imaginarios Urbanos, b_books Berlin, 2008.

Dr. Kathrin Wildner. Photo: M. Lanz.